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What is a Care Manager?

A Care Manager is a trained and experienced registered nurse who assesses your condition, promotes your health and well being, and prevents complications from illness or frailty.


What does a Care Manager do?

Assessment, planning, organizing, and monitoring are the four main roles of a Care Manager. Care Managers are often social workers or nurses. They work with many types of individuals, and some have specialized training to work with select types of people in particular. Our Care Managers focus on the health of older adults and their families.

Care Management Services

  • Assessment: Completes a thorough in-person evaluation.

  • Advocacy/Communication: Increases access to services and treatment, including talking to physicians, physician offices and insurance companies.

  • Home Needs: Identifies and locates resources for the individual and family to address home needs, such as housekeeping, meal preparation, accessibility, transportation, overnight support and home modifications.

  • Monitoring: Oversees and monitors an individual when loved ones do not live locally.

  • Health Promotion: Addresses factors that may enhance quality of life including stress management, smoking cessation, diet, exercise, individual and family counseling, etc.

  • Benefits Management: Interprets health insurance benefits and facilitate communication with the health insurer to most effectively utilize the benefits available.

1335 Elm Abode Terrace, Columbia SC 29210

PO Box  210972, Columbia, SC 29221



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Office Hours 

Monday - Friday: 8 am - 5 pm

After-hours on-call

Tel: 877-244-9151

HR Fax Number: 844-579-1500

© 2021 by Health Force LLC. All rights reserved.

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